Monday, August 28, 2006


Dear pathfinders,

While Pluto's apparent demotion seems to be the talk in the scientific community, as an astrologer, I say "a rose by any other name.....". Pluto's influence on our lives and choices have been studied for centuries by astrologers, both east and west. Whether we call Pluto a planet or some other name, its effects will still be felt. Pluto tends to be thought of as a generational planet, affecting a whole generation in one way, and the next generation in a different way, depending upon sign. Much has been written about this "planet", astrolgically speaking, and I feel the data stands on its own merits.

Blessings all, Robbi Dyer

Friday, August 25, 2006

Welcome, one and all!

Dear Pathfinders,

To those who seek to progress, spiritually, and who are dedicated to uplifting the planet on its evolutionary path, welcome. My mission in writing this blog is to help, through the tools of astrology, tarot, metaphysics, mysticism and psychic intuition, to better understand the energies that are operating in our world today. I hope to share knowledge, understanding and a metaphysical perspective on the spiritual ethics in today's world.

Blessings to all.

Robbi Dyer